The Truth About Being a YouTube Vocal Coach q&a with freya vlog Oct 30, 2020

Hey singing friends, today I just want to chat a little bit about what it's really like to be a vocal coach on YouTube. I've been loving the journey so much, but I've also been doing a lot of thinking...

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Secondo Passaggio Exercises For Tenors And Baritones (featuring JEFF ROLKA) guest sessions music collaborations Oct 27, 2020

I'm so excited about today's collaboration with Jeff Rolka. He is such a great vocal pedagogue and has become a great friend, so make sure to also check out the video on his channel in which I teach about the soprano passaggio:

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How To Sing With An Open Throat singing tips warm-ups Oct 23, 2020

You've heard it many times: you need to sing with an open throat! Let's get to the bottom of the why and how today.

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How To Find Your True Voice singing tips warm-ups Oct 20, 2020

How do you know if you're singing in your true natural voice? You need to find out in order to be the best singer you can be.

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What Your Childhood Voice Has To Do With Your Singing Problems singing tips vlog Oct 13, 2020

Did you ever consider what your childhood voice has to do with the way you sing today?

Hi and Welcome to my Blog!

Let's talk about your childhood voice. A lot of the foundation of your singing mentality and technique is laid in your childhood. 

A little bit of background of my story: I was born...

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Why Your Voice Cracks - Engaging the Wrong Voice Colors belting cracking videos Jun 15, 2018

With any vocal problem or issue, there can be a whole plethora of possibilities that may be causing it. 

This is the last video in the 4-part series on why your voice cracks. 


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Why Your Voice Cracks - Lack Of Register Control videos vocal registers Jun 01, 2018

This is the second video in the 4-part series on why your voice cracks. Having good control over your vocal registers is a big part of controlling the melody line, intonation and color in your voice. 


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