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Why every singer needs to warm up

Oct 08, 2024

A vocal warm-up is the cornerstone of a singer’s routine, prepping the voice for optimal performance. Just as athletes stretch to avoid injuries, singers use warm-ups to protect and enhance their vocal health.

Warming up increases blood flow to the vocal folds, improves elasticity, and reduces the risk of strain or damage by gradually easing the voice into action. Without this preparation, the vocal cords are more prone to fatigue and injury, especially when tackling demanding songs or sustained singing sessions. A proper warm-up doesn’t just protect the voice; it enhances control, agility, and range, giving you the confidence to perform at your best.

Sometimes, you may only have a few minutes for a warm-up—before a casual performance, choir rehearsal, or even a karaoke night. In these cases, a brief warm-up is far better than skipping it entirely. A short session can focus on key areas, like gentle hums or lip trills, which activate the vocal cords without overextending them. Even a quick warm-up primes the voice, allowing for a smooth and comfortable singing experience, and it helps prevent potential strain from sudden vocal demands. When it comes to vocal health, consistency is key, and every little bit of warming up counts.

Check out the video below for a quick vocal warm-up that you can use before any performance!