Ready to fix all of your singing problems from the ground up?


  • Does your voice get tired easily?
  • Do you get hoarse when you sing?
  • Do you feel like you struggle when you sing the songs you love and it just doesn't sound right but you don't know why?
  • Do you have a hard time controlling your voice?
  • Is your voice weak and unstable?

More Ease - less strain!

You will learn a whole new way of singing that is based on healthy singing habits and essential basics that will make singing easier. Goodbye vocal strain and hello resonant tone!

No matter WHAT your problem is, it always comes down to one of the BASICS.
In this course, I will help you MASTER these basics so that you can fix ANY and ALL problems and start using your full singing potential.

Better Pitch Accuracy for a Professional Sound

Ear training is often neglected by singers, but is an essential ingredient in achieving more pitch accuracy. When it comes down to it, nothing matters if you don't sing on pitch. "Back to the Basics" includes a whole section with ear training exercises especially for singers.

More Power & Beauty = Confidence

When you pair a strong technical foundation with musicality and a new level of skill when it comes to all the voice colors you can create with your voice, a whole new world of singing opens up to you. "Back to the Basics" will teach you these skills!


An expanding library of videos about every aspect of your voice, organized in a way that you can always find what you need at the right time to help you brush up on your technique and fix your problems.


The content of this course is not found on YouTube or anywhere else. You have exclusive access to tons of bonus material.


Go deep when you do the week-long challenges, such as the belting challenge, better mix challenge, or breathing and support challenge. 


No fluff, just straight to the point lessons with detailed explanations and practical exercises to apply what you've learned. After all, it's all about putting it into practice! 


Practice anywhere at any time. Download the audio versions of the videos to practice your favorite exercises. 


As a member, you will have lifetime access to all the lessons, including new ones that are added.

Special Bonuses

Perfect Beginnings

Not just for beginners, this course takes you through the most important lessons that everything else in singing builds on. 

Conquer Your Stage Fright

12 lessons to overcome your fears and build confidence for performing in front of people, microphones, or cameras. 




Yes, let's do this!


When I started as a voice major in college, I didn't know one thing about singing technique. I just knew how to sing. Little did I know that I could still revolutionize my skill by becoming aware of and working on the basics. It's simple - not easy!

I have been on stage for over 30 and I know what makes a great and versatile voice. You will be amazed at what training the basics will do for your voice. Sit back and get ready for the most transformational course that will help you to understand how your voice works once and for all.

Finally, find the ease, power, and beauty in your voice you've always longed for.


  • The course is divided into sections that group together one large topic such as breathing and support/vibrato/resonance. After working through the videos, you will have a better understanding of WHY and HOW it works and will know how to EXECUTE the following exercises CORRECTLY for maximum benefit
  • You will be able to identify your weaknesses so you can circle back around to those exercises you need to repeat on a regular basis
  • You will find your STRENGTHS and build on them to gain even more control and strength
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